Stephanie Richards

Practice Manager

With a heart for transformation and a knack for excellence, Stephanie Richards has been at the helm of Dentistry’s operations since 2020.

Her passion for dentistry is rooted in its power to change lives, a core value she brings to life every day within our clinic.

Stephanie is renowned for her exceptional organisational skills, ensuring that both our team and practice operate at the highest standards. Her leadership not only keeps our clinic running smoothly but also fosters a supportive and joyful environment where our team can thrive and deliver unparalleled patient care.

Outside the office, Stephanie is a devoted mother to two daughters, with whom she loves crafting lasting memories. She is an enthusiast of new experiences, particularly when it involves staying active and healthy. Stephanie’s dynamic approach to life and management makes her a pivotal part of the Fusion Dentistry family, where we all are committed to making a significant impact on our patients’ lives.

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